Monday, May 26, 2008

A friend becomes a billionaire.

Your friend, the billionaire
now owns a billion
one dollars

he has much
and he gives it freely
he smiles now
he overflows
so much worry
no longer.
So much to give

Your first hope is
he remembers you.
a small gift
a generosity
a small portion
in proportion
as recognition
of the coincidence
of your friendship

Allow some
for the parent
who gave him life
Allow some
for brothers and sisters
for familiarity's sake
Then some for the lover
who believed the stories

A billion is impossible to count
an educated man loses count
between one hundred and one thousand
Where was I?
Fuck it!
start again.

to one
a billion
is infinity
endless. boundless. neverending
stretched beyond the stars
Remember the many days when
we didn't have a dollar?
not one dollar, he says.
in your pocket
in mine?
It takes not one second
to count to one

Your dream
he offers a million
to you!
Receive this
my friend
my impossible friend
I've stored love
worth more than billions
throughout the years
throughout the silence

And if
you'd take my million
with gratitude
with mercy
will you not
Take my love
when I have no money.
it's free
it's yours
whether you take it
or not.

When you refuse
know that my millions abide,
as comfort
when you can't count
even to one.
it's free
it's yours
whether you take it
or not.