Tuesday, April 8, 2008

1 minute personality test.

Complete this sentence: Look at the world around and you can't help but ____________________________

An honest, instinctive completion of this simple statement of opinion -- your unique critique -- the words used, the assumptions and determinations, the optimism or pessimism, the elaboration or lack thereof, the passion or lack thereof, is an insight into your own character.

There's as many possible answers as there are types of people. Send the question to your close friends. How close you predict their answers will reveal how well you know them.

I'm not usually predisposed to gimmicks like this. But as a writer I'll know when a character is living and breathing in my imagination when the answer that character gives to this question lives and breathes -- and surprises me. Surprise is important because I guarantee you, as well as you know you friends, an honest answer to that question should never be completely predictable.

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