Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't buy Weight Watchers Food.

I'm pushing my trolley though the dairy aisle of my local Fitzroy Safeway and I'll spy the image of a truly delectable chocolate pudding, dripping with fudgy sauce. It's labelled: Weight Watchers. I think, maybe I'm allowed to have this. Weight Watchers has invented a chocolate pudding calorie and guilt free! What a joyous day!

But I'm diligent. As much as I'd love to believe I could eat that gorgeous picture on the box, I should check the Nutritional panel.

I howl the lament of the disciplined fat man: FUCK YOU WEIGHT WATCHERS!!

Fuck You Weight Watchers for making me hope.

If you don't already know it, Weight Watchers cookies, cakes, ice cream, whatever: it all has lots of sugar.

Sure, it's got almost no fat, but neither does nearly every non-chocolate sweet in the candy aisle. You can snort your weight in Wizz Fizz and not imibe a gram of fat.

Unless you're burning it off, your body will convert and deposit those unused sugar calories straight into you fat arse. Not to mention refined sugars enhance rather than decrease appetite. Not to mention these weight watchers cakes, cookies and puddings use refined white flour, which spikes the blood sugar faster and harder than glucose sugar, a double dose of carbohydrates will spike your appetite and have you running to the fridge where you will skol a 600ml carton of custard.

mmmm..... drinkable custard. How I've missed you.

Fuck you Weight Watchers.

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